All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by A C Crispin

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by A C Crispin

Series: Starbridge
Book 1 of 7
The crew of the Désirée was unprepared. The Simiu were unexpected... Earth's first contact with an alien race turns to disaster when a friendly encounter erupts into inexplicable violence and the threat of interstellar war. But two ordinary individuals--Mahree Burroughs, an ordinary woman with a gift for friendship, and Dhurrrkk', a male Simiu with boundless curiosity--have forged a bond of understanding that bridges their many differences. Along with a reluctant Robert Gable, brilliant young ship's physician, they make an astounding journey across the stars, to seek a way to save the future of both species!
Diverse cast, future books in the series even more so. Aliens show a variety of gender roles: the Simiu are matriarchal, and others use a neutral pronoun introduced in the second book.
race, multiple culture, MULTIPLE, Unspecified 1989 Adult

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gay lesbian
bisexual asexual
transgender nonbinary
genderqueer race
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multiple culture all-female
disability poly
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intersex aromantic

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Fantasy Science Fiction Superhero Mixed Genre

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YA Adult Middle Grade

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